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精小通 2021/03/12


1. Neither Mary nor her brothers ______ a consent form for tomorrow’s trip.

A. needs                   

B. need

C. has need                 

D. is needing

2. “______ five dollars a big sum to him?”

  “I suppose so.”

A. Were                    

B. Is

C. Are                     

D. Will be

3. Either your teacher or you ______ mistaken.

A. is                      

B. has

C. be                      

D. are

4. The number of students in the class _____ limited to fifteen.

A. will                     

B. is

C. are                      

D. have

5. A large number of people _____ present at the meeting.

A. were                    

B. have

C. was                     

D. be

6. Every means _____ been tried since then.

A. have                    

B. is

C. has                     

D. are


1.B   2.B   3.D   4.B   5.A   6.C

1.B.  Neither...nor... “既不...也不...” 就近原则,谓语动词与nor后的名词或代词一致。本题谓语动词同复数her brothers一致故选need.

2.B.  表示时间,金钱,距离等度量衡的词语(数量词)做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。语意:5块钱对他来说是一大笔钱吗?

3.D.  Either...or... “或者...或者...” 就近一致原则,谓语动词与or 后的名词或代词一致。本题与you 一致,谓语动词用are.

4.B.  The number of+可数名词复数+单数谓语动词,表示...的数量.本题意为:这个班的学生数量限制在15个以内,故选B.

5.A.  A number of +可数名词复数+复数谓语动词,表示大量的...,很多的....本题意为:很多人出席这个会议,只有A当选.

6.C.  Means:方式、方法. 单复数同形,根据具体情况确定谓语动词的单复数,本题means 被every 修饰,谓语动词用单数,故排除A,D. 句中时间状语为since then“自从那时起...”, 用现在完成时。因此正确答案是C.



精小通 2021年03月12日


1. Neither Mary nor her brothers ______ a consent form for tomorrow’s trip.

A. needs                   

B. need

C. has need                 

D. is needing

2. “______ five dollars a big sum to him?”

  “I suppose so.”

A. Were                    

B. Is

C. Are                     

D. Will be

3. Either your teacher or you ______ mistaken.

A. is                      

B. has

C. be                      

D. are

4. The number of students in the class _____ limited to fifteen.

A. will                     

B. is

C. are                      

D. have

5. A large number of people _____ present at the meeting.

A. were                    

B. have

C. was                     

D. be

6. Every means _____ been tried since then.

A. have                    

B. is

C. has                     

D. are


1.B   2.B   3.D   4.B   5.A   6.C

1.B.  Neither...nor... “既不...也不...” 就近原则,谓语动词与nor后的名词或代词一致。本题谓语动词同复数her brothers一致故选need.

2.B.  表示时间,金钱,距离等度量衡的词语(数量词)做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。语意:5块钱对他来说是一大笔钱吗?

3.D.  Either...or... “或者...或者...” 就近一致原则,谓语动词与or 后的名词或代词一致。本题与you 一致,谓语动词用are.

4.B.  The number of+可数名词复数+单数谓语动词,表示...的数量.本题意为:这个班的学生数量限制在15个以内,故选B.

5.A.  A number of +可数名词复数+复数谓语动词,表示大量的...,很多的....本题意为:很多人出席这个会议,只有A当选.

6.C.  Means:方式、方法. 单复数同形,根据具体情况确定谓语动词的单复数,本题means 被every 修饰,谓语动词用单数,故排除A,D. 句中时间状语为since then“自从那时起...”, 用现在完成时。因此正确答案是C.
