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精小通 2022/05/17


The poet and writer are invited to give a speech at the meeting. 

poet 和 writer 共用一个冠词,指的是一个人身兼二职,所以谓语动词应为单数。把 are 改为 is. 

No one except my parents know it. 

主语后加 except 再加上若干数量的名词,谓语动词和主语保持一致。所以把 know 改为 knows。类似的用法的词或短语有:but, besides, with, together with, along with, as well as 等等。

Your clothes is on the table over there. 

clothes 为复数句词,谓语动词应为复数。把 is 改为 are。 

The number of the students in that school are about one thousand. 

此名的主语为 number 而不是 students。因此把 are 改为 is。 

The class was watching TV when I entered the room. 

class 作主语时,把它看成一个整体时谓语动词用单数,看成每一个成员的个体行为时谓语 动词用复数。一般来说,一些具体行为如看电视、吃饭、洗澡等都属于每一个成员的个体行 为。此处把 was 改为 were。 

The population of our country are increasing slowly now. 

population 单独作主语谓语动词经常用单数;如果其前有分数或百分数,而且后面又有复数 名词时谓语动词用复数。如:One fifth of the Chinese population are workers. 此处把 are 改为 is。



精小通 2022年05月17日


The poet and writer are invited to give a speech at the meeting. 

poet 和 writer 共用一个冠词,指的是一个人身兼二职,所以谓语动词应为单数。把 are 改为 is. 

No one except my parents know it. 

主语后加 except 再加上若干数量的名词,谓语动词和主语保持一致。所以把 know 改为 knows。类似的用法的词或短语有:but, besides, with, together with, along with, as well as 等等。

Your clothes is on the table over there. 

clothes 为复数句词,谓语动词应为复数。把 is 改为 are。 

The number of the students in that school are about one thousand. 

此名的主语为 number 而不是 students。因此把 are 改为 is。 

The class was watching TV when I entered the room. 

class 作主语时,把它看成一个整体时谓语动词用单数,看成每一个成员的个体行为时谓语 动词用复数。一般来说,一些具体行为如看电视、吃饭、洗澡等都属于每一个成员的个体行 为。此处把 was 改为 were。 

The population of our country are increasing slowly now. 

population 单独作主语谓语动词经常用单数;如果其前有分数或百分数,而且后面又有复数 名词时谓语动词用复数。如:One fifth of the Chinese population are workers. 此处把 are 改为 is。
